Qingkai Shi

Registered user since Fri 4 May 2018

Name:Qingkai Shi

Qingkai Shi is a Postdoc Research Associate in the department of computer science at Purdue University. His major research interest is the use of compiler techniques to ensure software reliability. He has published extensively at premium venues of programming languages (PLDI, OOPSLA), software engineering (ICSE, FSE), and cybersecurity (S&P). His research received many awards including ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award and Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship. His research has led to the discovery of over a hundred software vulnerabilities in open-source software and has been successfully commercialized in Sourcebrella Inc, a static analysis tool vendor. Qingkai obtained his B.S. and Ph.D. from Nanjing University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, respectively.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Purdue University
Research interests:Programming Language, Software Engineering, Cybersecurity


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