Wed 19 JulDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
08:00 - 08:30 | |||
08:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
08:30 - 09:15 | |||
08:30 45mKeynote | Reflections on the Impact of Calculating Source Line Level Energy Information for Android Applications ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes |
09:15 - 10:00 | |||
09:15 45mKeynote | AITO Test of Time Award: Why Programming Languages Matter: Reflections on 45 Years of Language Design ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes Pre-print Media Attached |
10:00 - 10:30 | |||
10:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 90mLunch | Lunch ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
13:30 - 15:00 | ECOOP 2: ReplicationResearch Papers at Amazon Auditorium (Gates G20) Chair(s): Eric Jul University of Oslo | ||
13:30 15mTalk | Behavioural Types for Local-First Software Research Papers Roland Kuhn Actyx AG, Hernan Melgratti University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Emilio Tuosto Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, Italy DOI | ||
13:45 15mTalk | Algebraic Replicated Data Types: Programming Secure Local-First Software Research Papers Christian Kuessner Technische Universität Darmstadt, Ragnar Mogk Technische Universität Darmstadt, Anna-Katharina Wickert TU Darmstadt, Germany, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt DOI Pre-print | ||
14:00 15mTalk | Modular Verification of State-Based CRDTs in Separation Logic Research Papers Abel Nieto Aarhus University, Arnaud Daby-Seesaram ENS Paris Saclay, Léon Gondelman Aarhus University, Amin Timany Aarhus University, Lars Birkedal Aarhus University DOI | ||
14:15 15mTalk | VeriFx: Correct Replicated Data Types for the Masses Research Papers Kevin De Porre Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Carla Ferreira NOVA University Lisbon, Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel DOI | ||
14:30 15mTalk | Nested Pure Operation-Based CRDTs Research Papers DOI | ||
14:45 15mTalk | LoRe: A Programming Model for Verifiably Safe Local-First Software Research Papers Julian Haas Technische Universität Darmstadt, Ragnar Mogk Technische Universität Darmstadt, Elena Yanakieva University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Annette Bieniusa Kaiserslautern, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt DOI Pre-print |
15:00 - 15:30 | |||
15:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
15:30 - 17:00 | ECOOP 3: DistributionResearch Papers at Amazon Auditorium (Gates G20) Chair(s): Elisa Gonzalez Boix Vrije Universiteit Brussel | ||
15:30 15mTalk | Synthetic Behavioural Typing: Sound, Regular Multiparty Sessions via Implicit Local Types Research Papers Sung-Shik Jongmans Open University of the Netherlands; CWI, Francisco Ferreira Royal Holloway, University of London DOI | ||
15:45 15mTalk | Asynchronous Multiparty Session Type Implementability is Decidable – Lessons Learned from Message Sequence Charts Research Papers Felix Stutz MPI-SWS DOI | ||
16:00 15mTalk | Dynamically Updatable Multiparty Session Protocols Research Papers DOI | ||
16:15 15mTalk | Designing Asynchronous Multiparty Protocols with Crash-Stop Failures Research Papers Adam D. Barwell University of St Andrews and University of Oxford, Ping Hou University of Oxford, Nobuko Yoshida University of Oxford, Fangyi Zhou Imperial College London DOI Pre-print | ||
16:30 15mTalk | ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs Research Papers Felix Suchert Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden, TU Dresden, Lisza Zeidler Composable Operating Systems Group, Barkhausen Institute, Dresden, Jeronimo Castrillon TU Dresden, Germany, Sebastian Ertel Composable Operating Systems Group, Barkhausen Institute, Dresden DOI | ||
16:45 15mTalk | Information Flow Analysis for Detecting Non-Determinism in Blockchain Research Papers Luca Olivieri Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Vincenzo Arceri University of Parma, Italy, Luca Negrini Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Corvallis S.r.l., Fabio Tagliaferro CYS4 Srl, Pietro Ferrara Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia, Italy, Agostino Cortesi Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Fausto Spoto U. Verona DOI |
17:30 - 20:30 | |||
Thu 20 JulDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
08:00 - 08:30 | |||
08:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
08:30 - 09:00 | |||
08:30 30mAwards | ECOOP: Dahl-Nygaard Prize Ceremony and Awards ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes |
09:00 - 10:00 | |||
09:00 60mKeynote | Dahl-Nygaard Senior Prize: Safe Journeys into the Unknown – Object Capabilities ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes Media Attached |
10:00 - 10:30 | |||
10:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 90mLunch | Lunch ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
13:30 - 15:00 | ECOOP 5: SynthesisResearch Papers at Habib Classroom (Gates G01) Chair(s): Karine Even-Mendoza King’s College London | ||
13:30 15mTalk | Synthesis-Aided Crash Consistency for Storage Systems Research Papers Jacob Van Geffen Veridise Inc., James Bornholt University of Texas at Austin, Emina Torlak Amazon Web Services and University of Washington, Xi Wang University of Washington DOI | ||
13:45 15mTalk | Synthesizing Conjunctive Queries for Code Search Research Papers Chengpeng Wang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Peisen Yao Zhejing University, Wensheng Tang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Gang Fan Ant Group, Charles Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology DOI | ||
14:00 15mTalk | Hoogle⋆: Constants and λ-abstractions in Petri-net-based Synthesis using Symbolic Execution Research Papers Henrique Botelho Guerra INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon, João F. Ferreira INESC-ID and IST, University of Lisbon, João Costa Seco NOVA-LINCS; Nova University of Lisbon DOI | ||
14:15 15mTalk | Building Code Transpilers for Domain-Specific Languages Using Program Synthesis Research Papers Sahil Bhatia University of California, Berkeley, Sumer Kohli UC Berkeley, Sanjit Seshia UC Berkeley, Alvin Cheung University of California at Berkeley DOI | ||
14:30 15mTalk | Do Machine Learning Models Produce TypeScript Types that Type Check? Research Papers DOI Media Attached File Attached | ||
14:45 15mTalk | Toward Tool-Independent Summaries for Symbolic Execution Research Papers Frederico Ramos Instituto Superior Técnico, Nuno Sabino Instituto Superior Técnico, Carnegie Mellon University, Pedro Adão IST-ULisboa and Instituto de Telecomunicações, David Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, José Fragoso Santos INESC-ID/Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal DOI |
15:00 - 15:30 | |||
15:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
15:30 - 17:00 | |||
15:30 60mKeynote | Machine Learning for Software Engineering ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes | ||
16:30 15mDay closing | ISSTA'24 Preview ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes | ||
16:45 15mDay closing | ISSTA Closing ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes |
17:30 - 18:30 | |||
Fri 21 JulDisplayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change
08:00 - 08:30 | |||
08:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
08:30 - 09:00 | |||
08:30 30mDay closing | ECOOP: Outlooks and Farewells ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes |
09:00 - 10:00 | |||
09:00 60mKeynote | Dahl-Nygaard Junior Prize: My Part of the Scala Story, and Beyond! ECOOP and ISSTA Keynotes Media Attached |
10:00 - 10:30 | |||
10:00 30mCoffee break | Break ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
10:30 - 12:00 | ECOOP 7: Verification and TestingResearch Papers at Amazon Auditorium (Gates G20) Chair(s): Wenxi Wang University of Texas at Austin | ||
10:30 15mTalk | On using VeriFast, VerCors, Plural, and KeY to check object usage Research Papers João Mota NOVA School of Science and Technology, António Ravara NOVA LINCS & FCT, NOVA University of Lisbon, Marco Giunti NOVA-LINCS, FCT NOVA / Universidade Nova de Lisboa DOI | ||
10:45 15mTalk | Exact Separation Logic Research Papers Petar Maksimović Imperial College London, UK, Caroline Cronjäger Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Andreas Lööw Imperial College London, Julian Sutherland Imperial College London, Philippa Gardner Imperial College London DOI Pre-print | ||
11:00 15mTalk | Morpheus: Automated Safety Verification of Data-dependent Parser Combinator Programs Research Papers DOI | ||
11:15 15mTalk | Constraint Based Compiler Optimization for Energy Harvesting Applications Research Papers DOI | ||
11:30 15mTalk | Dynamic Determinacy Race Detection for Task-Parallel Programs with Promises Research Papers Feiyang Jin Georgia Institute of Technology, Lechen Yu Georgia Institute of Technology, Tiago Cogumbreiro University of Massachusetts Boston, Vivek Sarkar Georgia Institute of Technology, Jun Shirako Georgia Institute of Technology DOI | ||
11:45 15mTalk | On Leveraging Tests to Infer Nullable Annotations Research Papers Jens Dietrich Victoria University of Wellington, David J. Pearce ConsenSys, Mahin Chandramohan Oracle Labs DOI |
12:00 - 13:30 | |||
12:00 90mLunch | Lunch ECOOP and ISSTA Catering |
Not scheduled yet
Not scheduled yet Talk | Hinted Dictionaries: Efficient Functional Ordered Sets and Maps Research Papers Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh, Mahdi Ghorbani University of Edinburgh, Hesam Shahrokhi University of Edinburgh DOI | ||
Not scheduled yet Talk | An Efficient Vectorized Hash Table for Batch Computations Research Papers DOI |
Accepted Papers
Call for Papers
ECOOP is a conference about programming originally focused on object-orientation, but now including all practical and theoretical investigations of programming languages, systems and environments. ECOOP solicits innovative solutions to real problems as well as evaluations of existing solutions.
Authors are asked to pick one of the following categories:
- Research. The most traditional category for papers that advance the state of the art.
- Replication. An empirical evaluation that reconstructs a published experiment in a different context in order to validate the results of that earlier work.
- Experience. Applications of known PL techniques in practice as well as tools. Industry papers will be reviewed by practitioners. We welcome negative results that may provide inspiration for future research.
- Pearls/Brave New Ideas. Articles that either explain a known idea in an elegant way or unconventional papers introducing ideas that may take some time to substantiate. These papers may be short.
Submission must not have been published, or have major overlap with previous work. In case of doubt, contact the chairs. Proceedings are published in open access by Dagstuhl LIPIcs in the Dagstuhl LIPIcs LaTeX-style template. To reduce friction when resubmitting, ACM’s PACMPL and TOPLAS formatted papers can be submitted as such (with the understanding that if accepted, they will be reformatted).
ECOOP uses double-anonymous reviewing. Authors’ identities are only revealed if a paper is accepted. Papers must omit author names and institutions, and use the third person when referencing the authors’ own work. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission; see the FAQ. If in doubt, contact the chairs.
There is no page limit on submissions, but authors must understand that reviewers have a fixed time budget for each paper, so the length of the feedback is likely to be unaffected by length. Brevity is a virtue. Authors also have to consider that the camera-ready version must be 25 pages in LIPIcs format (not including references).
Authors will be given a three-day period to read and respond to the reviews of their papers before the program committee meeting. Responses have no length limit.
ECOOP will continue to have two deadlines for submissions. Papers submitted in each round can be (a) accepted, (b) rejected, or (c) asked for revisions. Rejected papers that are submitted to the immediate next round may be desk rejected if they are not sufficiently different from the previous submission. Revisions can be submitted at any later round. Papers retain their reviewers during revision.
Artifact Evaluation and Intent
To support replication of experiments, authors of research papers may submit artifacts to the Artifact Evaluation Committee. They will be asked whether they intend to submit an artifact at submission time. It is understood that some paper do not have artifacts. AEC members will serve on the extended review committee.
Journal First and Journal After
We have Journal First / After arrangements with ACM’s Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Elsevier’s Science of Computer Programming (SCP) and AITO’s Journal of Object Technology (JOT).
Only new research papers are eligible to be Journal First (JF). JF papers will have an extended abstract in the ECOOP proceedings. The deadline is that same as Round 1 of submissions and the notification is aligned with Round 2 notification. TOPLAS JF papers should be submitted according to this announcement. SCP JF papers should follow this call for papers. JF papers are presented at the conference and eligible for awards.
Journal After (JA) papers are papers for which the authors request to be considered for post conference journal publication. Once accepted by the ECOOP PC, these papers will be forwarded to the journal editors. Reviews and reviewers will be forwarded and used at the editor’s discretion. JA papers will have an extended abstract (up to 12 pages) in the conference proceedings.