Static analyses, as points-to analysis, are useful to determine and assure different properties about a program, such as security or type safety. While existing analyses are effective in programs restricted to static features, precision declines in the presence of dynamic language features, and even further when the system behavior changes dynamically. As a consequence, improved points-to sets algorithms taking into account such language features and uses are required. In this paper, we present and extension of the point-to sets analysis to incorporate the language abstractions introduced by context-oriented programming adding the capability for programs to adapt their behavior dynamically to the system’s execution context. To do this, we extend WALA to detect the context-oriented language abstractions, and their representation within the system, to capture the dynamic behavior, in the particular case of the Context Traits JavaScript language extension. To prove the effectiveness of our extension, we evaluate the precision of the points-to set analysis with respect to the state of the art, over four context-oriented programs taken from the literature.

Tue 18 Jul

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13:30 - 15:00
Runtime checking and static analysisFTfJP at Anderson Seminar Room (Gates 271)
Gradual Guarantee for FJ with lambda-expressions
Pedro Ângelo University of Porto, Viviana Bono University of Torino, Mariangiola Dezani Università di Torino, Mário Florido Universidade do Porto
Points-to Analysis for Context-Oriented JavaScript Programs
Sergio Cardenas Universidad de los Andes, Paul Leger Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile, Hiroaki Fukuda Shibaura Institute of Technology, Nicolás Cardozo Universidad de los Andes
DOI Media Attached
Dependency-free Capture Tracking
Edward Lee University of Waterloo, Kavin Satheeskumar University of Waterloo, Ondřej Lhoták University of Waterloo